Revenue Sharing

Wallet that created the Revenue Sharing contract 0xB66A3ff09fF36c7B7f3F781e2A927f2fD5354dC1 Revenue Sharing Contract address 0x5a87Ae3E337F9319434C51Ef2A73b6957352e917 You can lock and start earning here:

As a reward for our loyal holders, we created a Revenue Sharting pool that will reward our users with HILO tokens, helping to increase their holdings and benefits. This APY is dynamic and can change, but it will always maintain a good rewards percentage. All you have to do is Lock your tokens on UNCX, which is one of the safest platforms for locking liquidity and farming pools.

You can Lock up to 500,000 tokens per wallet.

You can only Lock HILO ETH and earn rewards in HILO ETH.

After you lock your tokens, you need to subscribe to the pool in order to earn rewards!

Warning: Once you lock, you cannot Unlock before 2 months. Make sure you understand how it works.

These rewards come from our products revenue and burned tokens, so they will not and never will inflate the circulating supply or negatively affect it directly.

Please note that we are not collaborating with or endorsing UNCX, but we have conducted our audit and due diligence to ensure it is a safe platform and one of the safest available.

Make sure you understand how contracts work and confirm that contracts can and might malfunction due to attacks or chain problems, which are not our responsibility. We cannot be held accountable for any issues related to UNCX.

Last updated