
Dinero, Pear, and Jackbot projects are now acquired by HILO

All tokens and products are now merged under HILO. Please do not purchase Dinero, Pear, or Jackbot tokens on the Ethereum chain after October 17th, as you will not be eligible for migration.

To migrate, please visit this page and follow the instructions.

If you have questions, feel free to contact our support. Always check our HILO verification page to ensure you are communicating with our team and not impersonators, as this might put your funds at risk.


Why did this merge happen?

As has been known, the projects have always shared mutual members and managers, especially in the design department, though not in development or among developers. The main director has remained the same throughout the recent development periods. After discussions and agreements, a deal was settled between HILO and all other parties, and an agreement was reached for the benefit of the projects and the scalability of HILO as an ecosystem.

Aren’t the holders losing money by migrating and through this merge?

No, there is a fixed price exchange for the migration that ensures the process is safe for migrators, regardless of when they complete it, without any negative impact.

Once the migration begins, holders of Dinero, Pear, and JBOT will be treated as if they have already migrated. However, to gain full ownership of their tokens, they must manually complete the process.

What about the liquidity and revenue sharing?

The liquidity of the three tokens will be merged with HILO's, helping to fund the SOL contract and liquidity for exchange listings.

Can I buy Dinero, Pear, or JBOT later?

No, any purchases of these tokens after October 17, 2024, will not be eligible for migration and may result in losses.

What about the products?

All products will be integrated into the HILO ecosystem. The Pearswap product will be licensed separately from the gambling products. Dinero Poker and Roll will also be merged, along with all backend and development data, including Dinero Fantasy and other mini-games that have already been developed. Additionally, the JBOT bot code and system, along with its white-label backend code, will be merged as well.

Will that affect the price of HILO and the circulating supply?

Since day one, HILO had a circulating supply of 99M tokens. Due to taxes, fees, and revenue from the products, around 10-20% of this circulating supply was effectively locked and out of circulation. After the recent migration to the taxless token, this amount decreased even further. As a result, the migration of holders from Dinero, Jackbot, and Pear will not increase the initial circulating supply, keeping it healthy and even deflationary in the long run. This controlled supply contributes to price stability and long-term value growth.

What happened to the teams?

The best-performing team members will be joining HILO and staying for the upcoming developments and updates. The design team is merging as well, alongside new animators and copywriters, and the legal team will also be expanding.

Last updated